Canadian Society
of Zoologists:
Parasitism, Immunity & Environment (PIE)
Société Canadienne
de Zoologie:
Parasitisme, Immunité & Environnement (PIE)
The PIE Section awards affiliated PIE students for their exceptional work with two awards: The A. Murray Fallis Award for best student research oral presentation, and the Mick Burt Award for most outstanding student poster presentation.
La section PIE récompense les étudiants affiliés pour leur travail exceptionnel avec deux prix : Le Prix A. Murray Fallis pour la meilleure présentation orale de recherche étudiante et le Prix Mick Burt pour la meilleure présentation par affiche étudiante.

Awardees of A. Murray Fallis Award/
Lauréats du Prix A. Murray Fallis
2024 - Mia Lauzon, Acadia University. Does Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium causing Lyme Disease, improve the cold tolerance of black-legged ticks?
2023 - Chenhua Li, University of Calgary. A transcriptomic- and metabolomic-level investigation of ant brains infected with the larvae of the iconic manipulator Dicrocoelium dendriticum.
2022 - Jacob Hambrook, University of Alberta. Functional characterization of an anti-inflammatory metalloprotease during Schistosoma mansoni cercaria penetration.
2021 - Brooke McPhail, University of Alberta. Identifying schistosome community structure using qPCR.
2019 - Demi Gagnon, University of Manitoba. The one that got away: Using integrative taxonomy to explore speciation in Quinqueserialis (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda) parasites.
2018 - Quinn Abrahm, University of Waterloo. Regulation of endogenous antigen presentation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cells at suboptimal temperatures.
2017 - Maxwell Bui-Marinos, University of Waterloo. Xenopus leaves skin epithelial cell lines differ in their molecular signatures and response to treatment with poly (I:C).
2016 - Sabrina M. Inkpen, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Characterization and expression studies of Interferon Regulatory Factor genes in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
2015 - Michelle Gordy, University of Alberta; Bradley Van Paridon, University of Lethbridge.
2014 - Shawna Semple, University of Waterloo.
2013 - Jessica Willis, University of Prince Edward Island.
2012 - Laura Ferguson, Acadia University.
2011 - Tanya Copley, McGill University. New method for detecting Nosema ceranae and N. apis in European honeybees.
2010 - Aaron Frennette, University of New Brunswick. Employing molecular diagnostics to investigate Loma morhua infections in Atlantic cod.
2009 - Angela-Rose Lapierre, Concordia University. Molecular characterization and evolutionary relationships of some North American species of Diorchis (Cestoda) based on partial nucleotide sequences of SSU-rDNA.
2008 - Linda Paetow, Concordia University. The fungal pathogen Batrachotrychium dendrobatidis may pose a threat to the survivorship of amphibian larvae infected with other parasites.
2008 Runner up- Richelle Monaghan, University of Waterloo. Comparing staining methods to elucidate microsporidia in a persistently infected piscine cell line.
2007 - Lorie A. Whitcombe, McGill University. IFNgamma mediates protection against intracellular signalling alterations during infection with Leishmania.
2006 - Kayla C. King, Concordia University. Helminth parasite communities of leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) inhabiting ponds polluted by agricultural activities.
2005 - Pat Madrid, Institute of Parasitology. Interaction of L. donovani PEX14 with the glycosomal membrane.
2004 - Mark D. Fast, Dalhousie University. Immunomodulatory compounds in the secretions of the salmon louse.
2003 - Jeffrey K. L. Eng, Institute of Parasitology. Can the genetic polymorphism in the ß-tubulin (isotype I) gene of Onchocerca volvulus be used as a marker to identify sub-optimal response to ivermectin?
2002 - Alex C. Chin, University of Calgary. Induction of enterocyte apoptosis by Giardia lamblia causes barrier dysfunction in duodenal epithelial monolayers.
2001 - Stacey A. Santi, Laurentian University. Sinus damage by Skrjabingylus nasicola (Nematoda) and its effect on braincase capacity in the American mink (Mustela vison).
2000 - Sean Forrester, Institute of Parasitology. Glutamate modulates ivermectin binding to a glutamate-gated chloride channel subunit from Haemonchus contortus.
1999 - Bernadette Ardelli, University of Guelph. Energy metabolism and isozyme patterns between pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of Cryptobia salmositica.
1998 - Ramon Carreno, University of Guelph. Isosporoid coccidia: phylogenetic analysis and classification of species possessing Stieda bodies.
1997 - Sean G. Forrester, Lakehead University. Overwinter survivorship of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis first-stage larvae.
1996 - Michael Levy, Concordia University. Digenean fauna of ring-billed gulls collected along the St. Lawrence River.
1995 - Emmanuelle Bergeron, Université Laval. Biology of Otostrongylus circumlitus, a lungworm or ringed seals in Eastern Arctic Canada.
1994 - Bernadette Ardelli, University of Guelph. Pathogenicity and protective immunity in Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salvelinus fontinalis infected with Cryptobia salmositica
Awardees of Mick Burt Award/
Lauréats du Prix Mick Burt
2024 - Laura Leaman, University of Prince Edward Island. Are Lungworms Emerging in Prince Edward Island Coyotes?
2023 - Sophie Visser, Acadia University. Effects of microplastics on vector physiology and on susceptibility of hepatozoan clamatae in Culex territans.
2022 - Jeffery Zbarsky, Dalhousie University. Haemolymph nutrient and metabolite changes in caterpillars experiencing parasite-induced feeding depression.
2021 - Ali Kandil, University of Manitoba. Costs of trematode metacercarial exposures to freshwater snails.
2019 - Megan Tobin, Acadia University. Attraction of mosquitoes to epidermal bacteria isolated from green frogs infected with Hepatozoon blood parasites.
2018 - Manuel Soto-Davila, Memorial University. Effects of vitamin D3 on Aeromonas salmonicida infection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) primary macrophages
2017 - Nicolas Salcedo-Porras, Simon Fraser University. Filling in the gaps of the IMD immune pathway of the kissing bug Rhodnius prolixus.
2016 - Paige Vroom, University of Guelph. Regeneration in Corallimorpharia.
2016 Honourable Mention - Kylie Caplan, Wilfrid Laurier University for "outstanding her poster and its implications to science pedagogy working with the visually impaired" entitled Pedagogical Approaches to Post-Secondary Biological Sciences for the Blind - A Tactile Poster